Monday, March 29, 2010

Dutch Much?

Do you see the shoes? Matthew loves his little wooden shoes. We bought a blue and red pair when we went to Holland. I meant them for decoration. The blue pair has become Matty's shoes. When he sees them he points, says "shoes?" and then insists on puting them on and walking around. They are very slippery but they make a noise that makes Matthew very happy.

Every time I see him in them I think of the movie Heidi and the song: "In my little wooden shoes!" sung by Sherley Temple.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It sounds rediculous...

but I was truely terrified.

I had a nightmare last night. When I go back and think about it, it is really funny but in the moment I wanted to scream.

I was in a school of some sort but it resembled a large wooden hut in a tree. I was there with a teacher and a fellow student and we were reaching up into a shelf for something. Suddenly everything came tumbling down on us. The teacher then told us if we wanted we could help him clean it up and we decided to take advantage of the situation and try and make money out of it.

Suddenly I was no longer in a school at all but in a much smaller wood hut with someone else. I was observing a hungry goat on the ground and decided that I should shoot some of my breat milk to the goat to nourish it. It worked and the goat left happily. Then there was a tiny little sheep made out of chalk walking on a stone wall and I thought it would like some milk so I squirted it and at first it wasnt so sure but then ended up enjoying the puddle it was in. All of the sudden I was unable to stop my milk from pouring out. The mystery person suggested that I should try stopping it by feeding it to a sock monkey which just happened to be sitting on a little shelf right near me ( I know exactly where this came from-How I Met Your Mother). The sock monkey just kept getting wetter and wetter and was no longer working when my milk stopped. I looked out the window and I saw a mad looking hippo with glowing red eyes. It was smelling all the milk that I had sprayed all over the ground and it was on the hunt for more. It ate up all the puddles that happened to be everywhere but it wasnt enough and it was getting closer and closer to finding me in my wood hut. I tried locking the door but I knew it wouldnt work. Somehow I was alone again and the hippo was going to come and eat me.

This is where I woke up. My heart was pounding like you cant believe. I was truely terrified that I was going to be eaten by a breast milk loving, red eyed hippo.

Sounds so obsurd and I do hope you are giggling but if you had felt my heart when I woke up at 3:00 this morning you would understand.

Sock Monkey
Violent Hippo Monster- its missing the red eyes.

The workings of the human brain, eh? I can only place breast milk and sock monkeys. The rest is a mystery to me.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

1 Hour After Waking Up

I am constantly amazed at how quickly my small apartment looks trashed with one whirl wind of a child.
Matty found the kleenex box and tore apart a handful
of them and placed them with some books that
he so nicely left on the floor.

Everything gets picked up and put back so often in the day. The final tidy and sweep happens once Matty is in bed.

No one would have a clue that I ever picked anything up if they came to my house even one hour after waking up.

Laundry hanging to dry looks messy enough, then add a playpen that was moved into the living room since Dave had stomach flu and we wanted to give him space. And then you add Matty's "art of mess" and we have a disaster.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Life

A fower that has finally bloomed after two years of being dormant.

An Orchid that I received when Levi was born.

My cactus that seems to bloom ALL the time. I love it.

I love having house plants. Everything is so much lovelier and happier with them in your house.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Week At A Glance

Sunday: Feeling like I was almost 100%. Took my last antibiotic and used my topical cream for the last time. I started planning all the things that I oculd begin to work back into my normality.

Monday: Itch started to return but I kept busy, trying to get on top of the house. Woke up EARLY in the morning in crazy itch. Wanted to scream with frustration.

Tuesday: Visited a friend and her kids. Started usuing my topical cream again and treated myself for a yeast infection (just in case). Called the doctor and made an appointment for Friday which I could cancel if conditions got better.

Wednesday: No improvement but no worsening. Visited my mom and got groceries done.

Thursday: Visit from a friend for the day. Chopped off some of my finger and toyed with the idea of going to emerg. for hours. The bleeding was heavy and when it finally stopped and I wanted to change the dressing, it was stuck to the dressing and once unstuck, it bled just as badly as before.

Friday: visited the doctor. They said there was nothing to do about the itch and that it would just heal. Just keep using the cream. If I werent breastfeeding they could give me something to clear it up in 24 hours... tempting I must say. Not a yeat infection though (apparently). tetnus shot in the shoulder, blood taken for a few routine checks for my thyroid and a look at my finger and a new dressing that would not be adhesive (thank you so mych nuse Nick).

Saturday: Went out in the morning after a nice sleep in with the wholoe family. We saw the St. Patricks Day parade in spite of the VERY strong wind. We had a coffee and breakfast sandwhich before we saw it. It was a beautiful morning as a family. A much needed time for me. Itching is still quite present and at times is a struggle to not scratch. May I ask, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON????

Waiting for the Parade to begin

Me with a Levi attatched, standing in the wind watching.

Town crier: "hear ye! hear ye! the St. Patrick's Day parade is about to begin!"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


How horrible is it that the last time I posted about a house, I was saying that we were no longer going tobe buying the one we wanted because of all these complications? I ask How Horrible? because we are buying that house. I just never remembered to write about it.

You see, the house situation got so frustrating to me that I just wanted no more to do with it. The current owner/realtor wanted as much money as he could get for a house that was falling down around the tenants ears. He also didnt want to tell the tenants that the house was going to be sold because he could possibly lose one of the tenants too quickly and not have their rent money to help him pay for the costs. One of the tenants can legally stay in the house until their lease is up which is at the end of August so he doesnt want to tell them about that either since he also hopes to potentially get them evicted sooner (they dont like to pay rent).

So, the situation was complicated. Parts of the situation made me feel for the owner but not too badly since he was puting Dave and I through such a rough go of it. He signed an agreement to let us have the house for a certain date and then came back saying he couldnt honor that agreement and wanted to just back out of it. We were not ok with that. Dave had already invested a lot of time into the house process as well as into planning out the new floor plan to the house.

Anyways, after a few threats from lawyers and an e-mail from Dave it was decided that we would get the house. We will learn when we get the house 90 days before we get it and the latest that would be would be September 1st. Crazy to think that it could have be the first of this month that we originally got possession... Gods timing is good. I couldnt have imagined moving right now.

The thought of having our own house really excites me. I want so badly to start packing and to get planning floor plans and paint colours and all of that. I just find that not actually being able to see the house, and not really knowing when we will get it (though we are pretty sure it will be September) makes it hard for me to visualize. Also, all the renovations will be done in stages. So I have to really think of how everything will tie together eventually even though it wont be there right away. Like, front tile colours that will still work well when you see the kitchen from the front and will it match the wall colour that we havent yet chosen??? I dont even know where to start. Thankfully I have a husband who is great at that. I just know he wants me to be a part of it. I just dont really know how to make those decisions. At least I really know what I DONT want. That helps Im sure.

So that's where thats at. Sorry I didnt write about it sooner. My mind has definetly been elsewhere.

Brothers at work!
Cousins at rest

Monday, March 1, 2010

No More Than I Can Handle

This past month I have had several days where I had to ask God if He realized He was giving me more than I could handle. I felt as though there was some sort of mistake because I just couldnt do it. He promised He wouldnt ever give me more than I could handle and here I was in the midst of something I truely believed I couldnt handle.

Yesterday, at church, I was met first by a beloved friend in the parking lot who quickly pulled out a meal for me and said she had heard I had a rough week and thought a meal would help me out. The gesture alone was enough to make me feel stronger (thank you Jane). Then I ran into someone else who was checking up on me via my mom. She mentionned she was still praying for me (thank you Heather).

I was in the nursary for the morning and I was down there with another beautiful, godly woman and, although I dont know her too well, she was quick to take a screaming Levi and pace around the nursary with him and then offer to come over any evening if Dave and I needed to sleep and she would pace with the screaming boy (thank you Judith).

It wasnt until the evening when I was exchanigng words with a friend and we spoke about how we have felt that we were being given more than we could handle and yet, were handling it since we were still here. Than it hit me. I CANT handle it but God has put some many amazing people in my life that when I cant do it any longer, there is someone I can call and they will be there to help.

I honestly dont know what people do without a church family. People I barely know are offering to cook for me, care for my children, give me a rest, pray for me, love me... Not everyone is so blessed. Thank you all of my brothers and sisters for the amazing support. I think Im beginning to get my sea legs and things are starting to get easier. Only because of all of you who have been my support. God bless you all.