A blog I read always likes to ask readers as well as herself what is in their purses to find out a bit about the person. I thought about that and was saddened by the thought that my purse is my diaper bag and that it would be a pretty boring outcome. Then I thought it would be fun to go through ALL the diffrerent (and recent) bags I use and see what might be hidden inside each of them. Are you ready to discover with me?
Bag #1

This is my current diaper bag and most recent purchase. Here is what you find inside:

Diapers: They tell you that I have at least one child. And if you knew me you would also know that I am ill prepared because I am missing the diapers for my oldest child (note to self, add Matty's diapers before leaving the house).
Wipes: I shop at Costco.
Wrap: I like to wear my baby. Its comfortable, convenient and pretty easy to roll into a ball and shove into small spaces. Oh, and I like that redish colour.
Burp blanket: I have a child that is young enough to still need one.
Nursing cover: Note that it is rolled up into a very untidy ball. You migt initially say it tells you I am modest. I do try to be when in new places and around people who are unfamiliar but most of the time I am around friends and family and this cover is just in my bag in case someone unexpected shows up. You never know.

One is from a yarn store. It tells you I knit. The other is from a grocery store. Nothing too exciting there.
An outline:

This tells you a lot actually. Maybe more about what my pastor is teaching us in church than about me but it does teach you that I go to church.
Immunization records: tells you that my sons get their shots although you will notice, if you open them up, that we postpone them until they are 6 months old.
Blistex and Lip gloss: Neither make it out of my bag too often. Lets you know that I can get dry lips and sometimes maybe even have shimmery lips.
Deoderant: I like to be prepared just in case. You never know when you might go swimming or it just might be way too hot.
Dentist business card: I have recently been to the dentist. In three weeks I will have gone three times. Crazy! People, do not put off going to the dentist for 11 years. I was fortunate that my teeth are strong so even after that time I have little that needs to be done but the bills... oh the bills!
Wallet: I like colour!
Bag #2


A diaper: Only one. Last time I went out with this bag I obviously only needed something for Levi.
Kleenex: I am ridden with allergies. One could suppose it is a cold as well but I am letting you know it is allergies.
A bandaid and cotton ball: That is embarrassing. It should be in the trash. I had blood work done for my thyroid.
Gum Wrapper: I chew trident gum. In the sticks not the chiclets. I really dont like the chiclets.
Doctors appointment card: That there will be another doctors appointment at some point.
Bag #3

Its contents:

Games: I obviously took the bag somewhere where there would be friends and possible game playing. I enjoy bot of tese games (pbviously or why would I have brought them?)
Rice cereal: Baby food for a hungry baby.
Kleenex: More allergies!
Folded picture: This one tells you a lot. I am not good at taking pictures, I develop bad pictures, I fold bad pictures and don't trow them away... something about being organized...
Gum: Good old Trident sticks. The light blue kind.
So, there is some insight for you all. What you can learn from Katie from her various bags. One things for sure. She sure has enough bags!