Wednesday, January 26, 2011

House Progress

I know it has been a long time since I have posted about the house and thats because a lot of the time there was no visible change for me to photograph thus making any post rather boring.

Just last week I went to the house and was blown away by some of the amazing detail work Dave has put into the house and I thought I would show it to you. You still wont really get an idea of what the inside of the house looks like but its a bit of an update.
Here we have our front door with some moulding on top as well as on the ceiling.
Here is the window right next to the front door.

Here is the ceiling that Dave has made for our dinning room (connected to the kitchen.) We will have pot lights in two of the rows and a chandelier in the middle of the middle row which will be centered over our table.

This is the kitchen... there will be an island but it isnt built yet. These are the top cabinets which Dave has put moulding around. Above them are a couple of plugs so we can put lights up there.
This is the top of the hutch that Dave made for me. Eventually it will be all connected right down to the ground.

Thats our downstairs right now. That was last week too so I know it has changed even more. Maybe later this week I can get more pictures And give you another update.

Until then, have a good week.

Monday, January 24, 2011

One Year Old

Today my little Levi man turns one.

I find it really hard to believe that it was just 365 days ago that he came into this world. Where does the time go? I feel as though I missed his year.

I look at my munchkin and i see his brain at work. He looks at books, rolls cars around, giggles and smiles a lot with his 7 teeth (huge change from his early days), tries to talk to you with his little giberish and just seems to enjoy life.

He is a great sleeper, he sleeps just about anywhere so long as he has his quilt and his sleep sac.

He is increadibly needy of me most of the time. Partially I think because he hasnt had a normal first year (different homes in such a short little time) that maybe he's a little uncertain of what is another home or what is just a visit.

He has his glowing orange hair (well, what hair he has glows orange) and he still insists on crawling everywhere but boy is he fast. He has taken a step here and there but refuses to actually walk or even stand. Nervous little man.

He's beginning to enjoy reading books (on his own) and loves to make a mess. Id say some of his favourtie things are to take things off shelves and just leave them all over the floor or to remove cusions from couches so they are scattered all over the floor.

He is my little man who seems too young to be a year. I feel like there is no wway he has already been in my lofe that long but it goes to prove how perfectly he fits. Our little family just wouldnt be the same without him. We are so thankful for him and love him SO much.

Happy First Birthday my little man!!!

ps. hes had a rough go so far today because he started his day by burning his hand on the wood stove and now wont nap... happy birthday indeed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Fears and Better Understanding

I never fully undersood why people who lived in the country were so uptight to drive when there was snow falling from the sky. I figured, "well drive slowly and carefully but dont stop your life because of a little weather. Is that really any way to live?"

Saturday, however gave me a good taste of the reality of a little weather. My sister amd I were heading out with all the kids to go and see my house. It was snowing the the roads were slippery so I was careful. The roads were straight for the most part and I felt like I had pretty good control over my car.

Suddenly my car was swirving to and fro and the next thing I knew I was sidways in a ditch. My head was running through what I might have done wrong while also thanking God for the safety he granted us. I didnt brake, that would be stupid, I tried not to over correct, that would be dangerous, I wasnt going too fast, that would be crazy. One minute I was on the road, the next I wasnt.

My sister was behind us and she told me as we were flying off the road she just kept saying "keep them safe, keep them safe..." and the Lord gave her and us exactly that.

When I turned around, my passengers were staring. Matty and Levi simply looked as though it was odd they were leaning to one side, Caelah, who was in the middle looked wide eyed at me. I told her " we're safe, its ok, the Lord kept us safe" and she said "ya, thats what matters.

Jo came and opened the door which she had to hold open with her foot while she stretched to get kids out of seats. Then Caelah looked at her mom and said "well, that was a little scary but it was REALLY fun" with a huge smile on her face. It made me giggle even though I was shaking and too afraid to move out of my seat.

Once I was out, the first car that drove up was actually a lady who lived in the house right across from where we were and she told us if we wanted to, we could come and stay in her house while we waited for help. So sweet of her.

Next a man in a pick up came and he and Jo were actually able to push me out of the ditch. Phew! no horrendous tow truck fines... the trouble, however was not over. The man noticed right away that my tire was completely flat. I pulled to the side of the road and we began trying to change the tire. The man was so helpful. He went to the womans house to see if she had tools and he tried with all his might to get the tire off but the bolt just wouldnt come free.

So it was a call to Aidan. Jo left with her kids back to the house and I visited with the wonderful woman while we awaited Aidans arrival. She fed the kids cookies and juice and made lunch for them, turned on cartoons for them and we chatted like we knew each others. It was so neat.

Eventually Aidan was there and was still in need of some tools. Thankfully the lady thought to call her neighbour who was actually home and he had everything he needed. The spare tire was on and we were ready to go.

The last thing I wanted to do was get back into the car and drive but what choice did I have. The boys got buckled in and off we went. I was so nervous that on the road I had swerved off of I wouldnt go faster than 40km (the speed limit was 80km). Aidan called home to Jo at the point and told her we were going to be much longer since I was going so slow but once we hit a main road that was only wet and not snowy, I grew in confidence and went the max my spare tire would allow me.

We were going to have to stop at the gas station to add air to my spare so as we approached, we were probably 200-400 meters away suddenly I knew my spare tire was gone. I was driving only on the rim. I slowed right down and once again, Aidan told me he was thinking I was being rediculously cautious to be slowing down SO much just to get ready to turn into the gas station. Once he got out of his car and saw my tire he understood. The spare tire was torn to pieces and was just hanging off the rim.

Could this day get any more frustrating? A little.

Aidan tried to put air in the real tire to see if he could get it to seal once again onto its rim but the pressure wasnt high enough. He had no seats available in his car to get anyone in the car which meant three of us were stranded at the gas station. Jo ended up having to be late for a ski trip with Caelah so she could come and get us and Aidan stayed back with a gentleman who offered his tools at his home to help with the tire. My work was done but Aidan was still trying to figure it all out.

Meanwhile Dave was on his way over from the house with whatever tools he might have.

Eventually, they got the car back. The tire seemed to hold air and we were actually able to drive it into to town for church yesturday.

Today I need to take it to a dealer to have them check everything out. The alignment or something is really off and so is the balance so we'll see what can be done.

Needless to say, I am now much more afraid of country driving in the winter. I totally understand how plans need to be cancelled due to weather. I hope my confidence will be restored enough to enjoy driving again since winter is LONG but I will always have a better idea of just how easy it is to end up in a ditch or facing the other way from what you had been two seconds before.

Careful driving everyone.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Hidding Place

For Christmas this year my mother-in-law bought me this book. Inside she wrote a little inscription (which is a wonderful habbit they have with giving books) and mentioned that it was a part of our childrens heritage and one that should be shared with them.

Believe it or not, I had never read this book before. I have read quite a few books about the war. Some true, others historical fiction. All very touching and real.

This book was no different. I loved every bit of it. It was written by the main character and she told of her family and there involvement in the war in Holland agains the occupying Germans. I was atonished at Betsy. A Character that almost seemed angelic. I feel as though I could never live life the way she did. Her outlook on life was always through Gods eyes. She always spoke about the enemy the way Corrie would speak of the victims.

I wasnt able to put the book down. It is a beautiful book.

What was convenient too is that my sister had ordered the movie from the library some time ago and so once I was done reading, we popped the movie in and watched it. It wasnt the same as the book (most movies arent) but I thought it was interesting because Corrie Ten Boom is actually at the end of the movie telling you that that was her story. So much of it is different from the book that it made me wonder who had taken what liberties. None of it ultimately mattered. It was still an amazing story of Gods power and the strength of prayer and faith.

Here is the trailer for he movie if you havent yet seen it.

This book is a must read. dictated through a voice that held no hate or anger but love and compassion. If you havent read it, go pick it up. I am certain you wont be able to put it down until the book is done.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


There are so many amazing blessings in my life I cannot even begin to number them all and these days I have to try and remember them as often as I can because things have started to get difficult.

The situation I am referring to is my husband and I living seperately during the week and then having a few short hours together on the weekend before he is off to the house once more and I am back on my own.

I have had a it really good here at Jo and Aidans place. I am well fed and taken care of, I have helping hands all around and sensitive hearts to my feelings. Yet, I still feel lonely. Where is my other half? He doesn't come home at the end of the day or share my bed or play with the boys.

I had a bit of a melt down a short while ago. Just the stress of being away from him and when I see him he is so tired and stressed that he is not the man I know. I sobbed to my mom because I didnt know how to help him. I didnt know what I could do to make it easier and to help take on some of his burden... or at least help him feel more at ease.

Thats when my mom made the suggestion (more phrased as a demand) that I go to the house once a week for the night. Someone would watch the boys and I would bring a freshly homemade dinner to my husband and help him at the house. Encourage him with my action, speech and with laughter! I feel like he needs to laugh. With all his time alone I want him to be thinking of only good things. It is so easy to draw within ourselves and dwell on negative things.

So that is exactly what I did Wednesday night. I left the boys nestled in bed with my mom and dad and headed off to the house with a huge salad and some dinner.

He knew I was coming and I already heard and saw change in him. Company! A night with his wife at the house where he sleeps alone.

I arrived and he jumped to give me a hug and helped me unload the gifts of food and bedding. I changed quickly since the house is so dusty with drywall dust and other stuff that I would be sure to destroy my clothes if I touched anything. I then asked him what I needed to do. We decided to sit and have dinner first which was nice. We sat side by side, me in a very dusty lawn chair and Dave on a drywall compoud bin and ate our dinner and talked and smiled... It was so nice. Once that was done I had a bit of a more detailed tour of the work that has been done (my house is going to be so awsome) and then when I suggested work, Dave looked at me and said' "Lets just watch a movie. How often do I get to spend a night here with my wife?"

So thats what we did. I made up the air mattress with fresh sheets and clean blankets and Dave set up his projector and we snuggled up and watched a movie together. Everything was just so pleasant. Warmth of his company, happiness and joy filled us both right up with each others calm company. I felt like stress completely left him for the night.

We slept like the dead and when we woke, we headed to the local restaurant for breakfast. I must admit I was eager to get there because I wanted a bathroom. Thats right, we have no functional washroom. When I had to use the toilet the night before I made Dave come with me. Out came the flashlight, warmer clothes and a huge blue tub full of water. The toilet, you see, is in the side of the house that is not being worked on currently thus is not heated except some of the heat that escapes past the door. Once finished in the washroom, Dave takes the big tub of water and pours some down the toilet which then gets it to flush. Then the adventure is done. So, needless to say I wasnt to thrilled about having to use it more than when it was bare necessity.

Anyways, breakfast was wonderful and Dave seemed well rested and then it was all over. I headed back into the city to pick up the boys and Dave headed on back to the house to get back to work.

I have been so impressed with him. He is so stressed out and I see it in him so easily (as do others) but he never complains. He eagerly plays with the boys, helps me with anything I ask for and humors me in small ways but there is always something obviously hanging over his head. What needs to be done tomorrow? How long will it take? How much will it cost? These are all stresses that dont touch me because I am so far removed from that part of the house.

Soon Dave will start working again. I know this is also on his mind. Any work outside of the house brings in money but slows down the work considerably. He so badly wants us all under one roof (As we all do) but its him who has to make it happen.

My husband is an amazingly talented man. He is building us such a beautiful home full of unique things and I get so excited thinking about it all. It was so nice to treat him with a visit (it was treating me as well). I look forward to doing it again. My small action meant so much to him. I hope and pray it helps keep his outlook positive and brings him encouragement that will help him make it to the weekend when we can see each other again.

I am reminded through this whole ordeal of a conversation that I had with my Aunt Peggy. She just told me that all of this is but a breath. While we're in it we think it might never end but we must remember it is all so short. An end will come and other things will take its place. We are on this earth for but a breath. And it is that truth that helps me remember all the blessings I have.

I love you Dave and all the hard work you do for our family. You are an amazing man and I cant wait to be under the roof of that house with you for good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Wagon Ride

Dave bought the boys a surprise gift after christmas just because. It was a pretty awsome gift that Matty was incredibly excited to get into.

We really broke it in on New Years Day before Dave left to work on the house. We took the little ones who were interested out for a walk and here is what it looked like:
It started like this! Levi seems to have gotten to worst of this deal but he took it like a little man and just looked at what he could see.
We soon switched matty to the back since that only made sense and here you can see how Levi still got the worst end of the deal. Matty wanted to hold his face the whole time. Eventually we got Matty to put his arm and just relax.
Finally this. So typical of Levi. I was walking beside DAve and looked back and there is Levi standing in the wago. He really liked having more room once Matty left. I decided I should bring up the rear of the wagon for the rest of the walk since at times he was actually trying to hang off the back to grab the wheels. SCARY BOY!!!