Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Six Months Old

Wow! We have reacehed the half way mark already. Actually, we have already gone over it. CRAZY! It goes so fast.

Matty still hasn't got any teeth but we can see them coming closer and closer. Grammie (my mom) even pointed out where she thought they were coming through. They are SO CLOSE! He is currently chewing on one of his shoes and puts everything in his mouth.

He is sitting up now. He still falls over but mostly because he is leaning way to far forward or to the side and just can't stay up any longer. He actually even almost crawls. He gets on his tummy, uses his legs to push him forward but his arms get in the way. He has to learn to get up on his hands and use them as well. He usually ends up planting his face on the floor and trying to push himself forward. Very funny!

He still hates food. He is stubborn like his mom and dad. Sometimes I succeed in getting one mouth full in before he refuses to open his mouth. He looks at me, closes his mouth tight and turns his head away from me. Very obvious decision to say no to food and to mommy. I think I might have to move to more drastic measures and not feed him until he is so hungry he will eat from a bottle or some cereal. Is that ok do you think?

He loves to talk. Mostly his noises are "guh", "Duh", "Wuh" and others that range in that area.

His favourite toys are Sophie, his plastic book, his knot toy from Tante Melissa and Uncle Chris and his toothbrush. They all go very nicely in his mouth.
Here he is with his plastic book and his great Oma.

Here he is with Great Opa and his plastic book.

Here he is with some of his pals. Heidi and Henry

And here he is being goofy in his beaver outfit from Aunty Jo and Aunty Karin.

Matthew still rolls over well from his stomach to his back but lacks the practice from his back to his stomach. We still have trouble with nap time and him fliping over. I tried putting him down on his back today but he is still crying... not sure if it is going to work out.

We believe he is 19 pounds but will find out exactly how much tomorrow at his six month appointment. He is a big boy and he is growing up so fast. sniff sniff.


Grace said...

I love that last picture:) He looks just like you!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't he have a lot of people to love him! Sweet! AuntieB