Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Tour For Future Comparison

I would like to give you a tour of a small part of our house as it is now. This way, when it is complete you can truly see just how much work was done. You can do a little compare and contrast.


This is what you see when you walk in our front entrance:Are you jealous? Not yet? Hmm, well hold on! This is just the beginning. eventually there will be a staircase in here and a powder room.

Watch the hole!
Here is the basement... or at least where there will be stairs to get into it.

Now, if you turn to your right we will move on with the tour. We wont be going upstairs since there are no stairs to climb just yet but I will have you take a look there in just a moment.
Dont just look right, go right in there. Eventually the doorway will be in the middle of the wall and there will be a mirrored door on your left as well. Move on please.

Here we have the Kitchen:
There isnt always a handsome man lying down on the job here. He is just watching a bambino while I keep him from his work to give you this tour!

This area will be an eating nook (where the ladder is), then a kitchen, then an island and then a dining room.

If you turn around you will see the living area (at least until the other half of the house is done. Then maybe this will be a formal dining room).
Now, look up. Yes, there really is something there. Not just some silly old ceiling.
You are now looking at the master bathroom and the walk in closet. There will be two windows there but they will be higher up and there will be walls... and a floor.

Now, look up the other way and you will see our bedroom.
And there you have it, folks. A royal tour for all of you fans out there of this little van der Meer family's house.


Betty said...

Haha, Kate that was very funny! And it does look a little rough now, but I can't even imagine how great it will look when you give us the next tour! And thank you so much for all the encouraging comments you always leave on my blog. If you visit Chattanooga again, I really hope I can meet you!

Irene said...

You are amazing. The tour was great cannot wait to see the step by step changes. The house is going to look fantastic.

Anonymous said...

It sounds wonderful but - is Dave going to do almost all of it himself? What time-framework are you working with? AuntyB