Monday, February 7, 2011

Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles

Dear readers,

This past week and a bit has been a time of absolute sadness and hope all at the same time. My heart has been so burdened and heavy with so many things but one thing in particular.


This little boy is 5 weeks older than Matty. When his mother and I would see each other while we were pregnant I would alway kid that if I was early and she was late we might have our babies on the same day. She didnt like that idea very much and actually ended up having Luca a bit early.

This little boy hasnt been in my life too much but he is one of those people who has made his way in and out at different times. My best friend is best friends with his mother and we would hang out together at times.

His recent accident tore my heart in so many pieces. To hear of this little boy on the verge of death had me on my knees in tears pleading to God for a miracle.

News fluctuated from being bad to good to bad... a rollercoaster of emotions and I cant even imagine being the mother and father of this precious boy. He suffered head injuries then it looked like he was recovering but after a bit of time they realized he wasnt healing as quickly as they had thought. Then it was even worse then it looked like he might leave this world.

We rallied together (and let me tell you, we mean people all over the place. Hundreds and maybe even thousands) and prayed for this precious boys life. We all knew he needed a miracle.

God blessed us all with this miracle. Today they made the decision to do a MRI. This decision wasn't an easy one... and the results came back with good news. His father put it best:

The brain swelling in Luca’s left side of the brain has subsided which means they were able to see more black spots which is a very positive sign. The swelling around the brain stem was also reduced which is also a VERY positive thing. Pending any secondary injuries, the doctors said Luca will LIVE and we should be talking about his rehabilitation process. As to what extent his brain injuries are at, we don’t know, but the doctors said the injured areas are significantly affected meaning that we will only know with time what they are in detail. He is able to completely breath on his own which is very encouraging. They are talking about months of rehabilitation and are realistically saying he will be at CHEO for a year. His ability to speak, see, walk, etc. we do not know at the moment. He will remember and do everything with the parts of his brain which are healthy. For the damaged areas of his brain, he will adapt with those areas, but they cannot be healed.

Katy & I will embrace the new journey we will have with Luca and aside from what the doctors said, we know we serve an all powerful God that can heal and bring Luca to full health as he was before. Luca chose to live and now and I KNOW a large part of that was because of your prayers. Do we stop praying? No, this is a time to press in even more, every day making him a focus. Luca is a fighter and will NOT give up. There will be many ups and downs for the next while for Katy & I, but this is where we will need all of you more and more. You have all been so amazing standing with us during this time, and we look forward to you all standing with us day by day as we continue to walk through this.

We so appreciate all of you—we feel you are all FAMILY!!!
Praise God! I was ready to weep with Joy. I knew that God could do it. I felt he would. I had to keep reminding myself that my feelings didnt mean that it would actually go as I wished but I am so overjoyed.

This little boy is the second miracle in a year that I have been blessed to pray for and see Gods mighty hand. And I will continue to pray for Gods healing hand to perform even more miracles. Maybe Luca can heal completely even though they say he can't. God is able to do everything. I have faith that he will if it is his will.

Please continue to pray for this precious red head. What a fighter. We love you Luca, Kate, Jimmy and beautiful unborn baby girl.


Grace said...

Keep us updated on the little guy!

Anonymous said...

What happened, kate? AuntyB