Recently the boys have taken on a whole new level of play. Characters are coming out like never before.
Levi puts on hats whenever he finds them (as above- he found Ewan's hat and decided it was his), adds his rubber boots and prances around the house pretending to fix things.
I don't know how or when Matthew got the long bruise on his cheek but he's still as cute as ever.
Ewan has begun his journey as crawler. He pulls himself with his hands and grabs at the floor with his toes. He is starting to lift his body with his legs a little but he is not what you would call a traditional crawler.
These monkeys keep me so incredibly busy that I so rarely get moments to get it written down. A few random posts will have to suffice.
Those pictures are priceless! Levi is such a character :)
Sweet little guys! Auntyb
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