We came home ( Matty and I) on September 9th at 3:30 pm. My mom planned dinner for us (veggie lasagnia, garlic bread and salad) and we had friends and family around. It was lovely.
The next day, Dave's mom and siblings came over and prepared dinner for us. It was a very delicious meal (Nesi and peanut sauce).
On the 11th it was Oma's (Dave's mom's) birthday. We decided (Dave and I) that she should have a celebration. So, we told her that she had to come back the next day for her birthday. She wasn't too keen on it because she was worried that I, having had a baby only four days before, wouldn't be able to handle it. I assured her that I would be doing absolutely nothing except having it in my house. So, they arrived and it was a wonderful evening. Dave made Pizza Soup and Vanessa and Oma brought yummy bread. Dave also had some sandwiches put together and that was the meal. Simple but delicious. We invited Great Oma and Great Opa to come as well and they enjoyed meeting Matty. I really did nothing too. One time in my life where I didn't feel guilty for no helping. Oma and Vanessa and Dave's siblings did the cleaning up and preparing of most of the food. It was so kind of them. Even on her birthday, Oma worked hard. I think she likes it that way though.
Friday was Matty's first doctors appointment. I mentioned it a bit in another post. It wasn't very exciting, which is a good thing I guess, and we found out that he weighed 8lbs. and 6 oz. This was still lower than birth weight but the doctor seemed content with it.
Saturday, I gave Matthew his first bath at home. The nurse gave him one at the hospital but this was my official first bath. Vanessa was there to take pictures and help me out. Dave was out with the guys celebrating Matty. First, I took Matty's diaper off and wrapped him up in a blanket. It was also my first mistake. He was cold and upset and he peed all over me.
Next, I washed his face and this made him angry so I decided to just put him in the water.
Sunday was Matty's first time going to church and his one week birthday. People came up and congratulated us and others brought us meals to eat during the week. It was so wonderful. Then, Aunty Karin and Uncle Josh came over in the evening and we had fellowship together.
Monday was uneventful until 9:00 pm when Dave decided to go for a walk to get coffee. So, I went along too. It was my first official outing using my legs since I gave birth. It was a long enough walk and I did regret it on the way home but my body is not angry at me today. It continues to mend. And, I was very happy to go for a walk with my husband and son.
Things change with the arrival of a baby. I am working hard to make sure Dave doesn't feel left out. It isn't always easy. You HAVE to spend so much time with the baby (feeding and changing) that it leaves little time elsewhere.
Finally, today. I had a nurse come to our house and she went through some information with me and then took a quick look at Matthew. She thought he looked very healthy and when we weighed him it was so wonderful. He is now 9lbs. He put on 8 oz since Friday. The nurse said they like to see 4oz a week and so he far surpassed that. She told me I could relax and if Matty slept for more than 3 or 4 hours at night, I didn't have to worry about waking him up. He is doing just fine. Amazing how much joy you can feel for weight being gained on a baby. Its just like when he initially poos and pees. They really want to know how many times he is going and you rejoice with each new dirty diaper (that novelty has already worn off).
Feeding is getting easier and easier. Initially it was painful and I dreaded it only because of the pain but Karin showed me a new technique to get a great latch and I am healing and not hurting nearly as much. Still a bit tender on the right side but that will fade quickly.
As for the rest of my day, I'm not positive. I know Dave wants to go and visit Aidan so we might head to the Van Dyk's if they aren't busy.
Wanting to see more pictures:)
He is a lovely baby, Kate. Thanks for the daily news. I will get a present off to you in the next few days...Auntie B
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