While I was preparing dinner, I really got into it and decided to make it a special dinner. I put on a table cloth, set the table and lit a candle. I figured it could be the last time I am interested or able to make a nice meal for a few week (if Matty chooses to come soon).
The same night, Ness and Cory fed Henry his very first bowl of cereal. They chose a brown rice cereal since there are allergies in the family and it's best to be safe not sorry. He liked it at first but then seemed to change his mind. He much preferred when he got to nurse afterward.
As I mentioned yesterday, I was craving the idea of a banana split. So, while i was out grocery shopping they had banana split bowls on sale for VERY cheap and I bought all the makings. It was only Vanessa and I who enjoyed them because the quys were suppose to have it later. Dave ended up having to go work for several more hours I wasn't home again until just after 10pm. So, they didnt end up having one. Ness and I really enjoyed it though.
Mess or no mess, I had a great evening and Ness and I talked until 9:45 when we realized we were both quit tired ( how lame is that, calling it a night before 10).
It took me hours to fall asleep last night. I was uncomfortable and restless but so tired. Once I was finally asleep I had my regular bathroom wake ups but managed to fall back to sleep VERY easily.
My plans for today are to work on Matty's baby book a little, do some knitting and reading and then I have a doctors appointment at 1:30. I was hoping I wouldn't need this appointment but if Matty's not out or on his way by that time, I have to make my way there. I can't wait to not have doctors appointments every week.
Looks yummy!
It as delicious! Thanks for having us. And I still laugh when I see you looking at me with a stream of melted vanilla ice cream pouring down your belly.
HAHAHAHAHA we're funny. We should do that again some time. Laughing like that is good for the soul.
Love you!
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