Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Miracle and A Curse

 On September 27th I had the joy of becoming a great aunt to a beautiful little baby girl. I'm a 40 year old GREAT AUNT! But what made this day even more spectacular was the amount of prayer that was offered up and the tears that were shed when month after month there remained an empty womb. 

    This little lady's arrival felt like a miracle. A gift given that felt like it might be impossible. And so when we learned of her conception we covered her in prayers of thankfulness and joy until the day we had the honour to hold her in our arms and see her precious face and feel her little breaths against our skin.   

    On the 28th (our 17th wedding anniversary and this lovely ladies second day) I got to hold her close and marvel at Gods amazing grace in forming her in her mothers womb until the right time.

    Yet as the title suggests, this wasn't where my day ended. What began as a day of celebration and joy ended with a reminder of the curse. What curse? you may ask. The curse of death. The 28th was when God called for the delivery of another baby. One that we were all eagerly anticipating. A fifth daughter to join her older 4 sisters. Then the message arrived that something was wrong and to pray for life. I knelt, I cried, I pleaded, I prostrated for this little lady's life. Then news arrived. God had called this little one to himself. She was not to remain here on this earth with her family.

    I held my one day old great niece in the afternoon and in the evening of the same day I learned of another life, just a day behind, that was called to an end on the day of her birth.

    It can be a whip lash of sorts to hold a miracle in your arms one minute and then to hear of another miracle that you will never get to hold because she has been taken to her real and eternal home. Death remains a curse to us here on earth until Christ returns. Because of the first Bad Day in the garden when Adam and Eve chose to take control and stop trusting God, we will forever be plagued by this curse. Each one of us will be touched by it - we will likely all taste it ourselves.  

    Death is a  curse but it isn't the end. After the curse came, a promise arrived swiftly on its heels. This curse would not have the victory. Instead Jesus, the Saviour, would come and take the curse upon himself. He would carry the weight of all our sin on his perfect self and triumph over it. He rose victorious over death for us. We no longer have to look at death with fear and trembling but instead with confidence that death is only the beginning of our eternal life with God.  

Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." John 11:25

Although we live in a broken world where we suffer and feel so much pain, we also live with so much hope if we trust in God. We have a Saviour who has promised us eternal life with him. An eternity without any pain, suffering or tears. All he asks is that we set our eyes on Him.    

"Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." 1 Thess. 4:13

    A precious baby girl was taken home to her Heavenly Father before her first breath. My heart is broken and the tears just wont stop falling. The curse is felt in my whole being. Yet I can still rejoice in the God who called her home. There is no better place for her to be but in an eternity without pain and suffering with ABBA. Until we get to join her, we will miss her and we will mourn her loss under this curse.   

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