Monday, September 3, 2012

New Play Room

Forgive me for my long absence. Recently my boys took my lap top and dropped it onto the floor, breaking the charger and making it had to turn the computer back on since it was dead.

My clever hubby managed to get it working again though so here I am.

I wanted to share with you the new set up I made for the boys since we have a few room available now.

 This is to your right when you first walk in. The boys have their hungry hippo and their barn and animals.

 On the left I set up a reading area for them as well as a box full of their marble track pieces and the marbles.

This is what you see when you first walk in. Nothing matches and it is far from elegant and designer approved but the boys LOVE it which makes mommy very happy.

Soon the wall hanging will be taken down and a school wall with be put up. I plan to do the calendar with the boys every morning and maybe put up their memory verses as decor. I'll be sure to try and update now that my computer works again.


Grace said...

yay!!! Glad you have a place for them to play and make mess...

Heather said...

Yay for a working laptop! But how wonderful to have made a play area for the boys to play in, esp. after all these many months of reno! I can't wait to see what you do next! xo

Anonymous said...

All looks great, Kate! AuntieB