Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Solar System

This year I tried teaching science to the boys but the topic they chose was the human body. It took us way too long just to get through the intro and some of the first chapter thus I quit. It actually caused Matthew to become a germ-a-phobe.

After some thought, however, I realized it wasn't science but the topic that was making learning hard so I decided on a new topic without the boys input and I chose space.

What a great choice, if I do say so myself. I chose Exploring Creation with Astronomy from Apologia as well as their Junior Notebooking Journal and it is so much fun. We do little bits at a time and we have only finished two chapters; the intro and the Sun. The model above was after the introduction. We learned the name of the planets and also learned to use a mnemonic device to remember their names.

Here is the one we created together:

Matthew Vacuums Every Monday Joyfully, Sometimes Under New Plants

We have included Pluto for now because as we study each of the planets, we can decide what we think about its Planet-tude (invented this word).

Just thought I would share a little snap-shot of our schooling thus far.


Vanessa said...

So neat Kate!!

Heather said...

I loved catching up here, Katie. The balloons really make it obvious how small our world is. Good thing, we know the Creator cares for us. :)

Missing your boys and looking forward to seeing you all soon. xo

Cae said...

That is cool!