Friday, September 20, 2024

Its Been a While


Picture: Sept. 2023

Well, hello again! 

It has been years and there have been many changes and a lot of growth- both in the family as well as individually.

I have been toying with starting a new blog.  I had a new title picked out and was trying to get it off the press, so to speak, but was getting overwhelmed. Then I realized this blog is already the perfect place to settle back into.

So, in the future I hope to pop in here to share numerous things. Being me, its hard to pick just one area. thus, you will see new topics such as homeschooling, journal projects, book reviews as well as bible study reflections and learning. That is just skimming the surface of the topics I may visit but its an introduction just the same.

I hope to hear from you in the comments and hope you enjoy my ramblings.

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