Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Story of Matthew's Birth

Here is the mad lib created by friends and family that I spoke about in my last post.
Toward the end of her pregnancy, Kate was feeling like a ( animal) pig. Finally, on the (number) 18th month she felt a sudden painful contraction in her (body part) head. Of course, the first thing she did was go to (location) Florida and (present tense verb) shop, to keep her mind off the discomfort.

When the contractions became more frequent David suggested that she ( present tense verb) run till she knew for sure if she was in labour. She (adverb) gargantuanly declined. She was sure it was time to go to the (location) beach and give birth to her (adjective) hideous baby.

Before leaving, Kate called the (professional) artist and said she would be leaving right after she (past tense verb) slept. Withing (number) 6 minutes of hanging up the phone, she was to the point where she could not even (present tense verb) jump during a contraction. When Dave walked into the (room) kitchen and saw Kate on her hands and knees (verb ending in -ing) kissing he said "We are going NOW!" and quickly packed up the (vehicle) motorcycle and got everything ready. The drive to the beach was (adjective) lethargic. When Kate arrives, the artist examined her. She was number) 21 cm dilated and the baby's (body part) toe was right there. The artist suggested she try (verb ending in -ing) skinny dipping through a few contractions. It worked! her (thing) chair broke. (number) 100 more pushes and a loud (exclamation) YEEHAW! later, Matthew was born.

Baby was so perfect, with a (adjective) fusia (body part) navel and (number) 2 fingers and toes. Liz and Carla agreed that Matthew had Dave's (body part) earlobes and Kate's (body part) arms. Katie sang (song title) Achy Breaky Heart as she rocked Matthew and the both fell asleep dreaming of their new life together.

1 comment:

Grace said...

That is so funny:)