Monday, October 12, 2009

Give Thanks

Yesterday was thanksgiving with the van der Meer family. We went to the Russell Church in the morning and then went to the van der Meers for lunch. Vanessa and I wanhted to do something special and so we made a turkey (18 pounds and our very first one) and it turned out really well. I made a stuffing and a dessert and Vanessa made a dessert and we made gravy.The veggies were taken care of by the van der Meers. We really felt like spoiling them with a big traditional meal.

I was so glad when everything turned out so well. We had cooked the turkey in advance and so just needed to reheat it and I think it was still moist enough and we had great gravy to pour over it as well.

We had a fantastic time talking around the table and in numerous rooms in the house and Carla (mom in law) gathered the whole family in the living room to sing me happy birthday in Frisian (or Dutch) and English. Then I got to open my gift. It was quite a surprise.

It was a nice time with family. Matty loved seeing his cousins from farther away (Eleanor and Brenna) and every one of the kids managed to have at least a little nap (4 kids, 4 pack and plays, 3 different rooms, most at the same time).

Today is thanksgiving with the Millar family and I am excited. I bought the turkey and made the stuffing and I look forward to sitting down with my family and eating and chatting and laughing...

Thank you, Lord, for EVERYTHING!!!