Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moving Week

I am no longer a city dweller. CRAZY!

Saturday was our moving day and it was a bit complicated since some things needed to be moved to where I am staying now (Jo and Aidan's house) while all the rest had to go to the house. I did my best to be organized but there are always hitches in the plans.

I made it to Jo's without clothes since the dressers never made it here but mostly it was smooth going.

Let me go back a bit and tell you more about the working up to moving day.

We needed to prime the apartment. Pretty much every single wall in our apartment was dark so they needed to be taken care of. The new tenant thought our colours were "like living in halloween all year long" and fair enough, they were bright and different (living area: red and orange, hall and bedroom: dark brown, kitchen: red, Matty/ laundry room: bright blue).
Matty's shoe was a primer casualty.

So I got my crew of helpers together and we got to work.
Tara in her painting attire, annoyed at me for the picture taking.

Karin giving her time even after a sleepless night.

I am still blown away by all the amazing people I have in my life. Meals were prepared for us, child care to help me get packing done, a work crew to paint and organize, a moving crew, people praying and loving us, several offers for a place to stay... I can't imagine doing it without the support.

Moving day came sooner than I could have imagined but we were mostly ready.
We piled everything that was packed into one area so I could double check there was nothing forgotten.

I had an unexpected surprise when I went to get coffee for the guys who were helping us move and found I had no wallet. I called my mom, I searched every bag in my car, I checked my parents street and my laneway... nothing. I tried cancelling my credit card as soon as I could but the lady was no help and being stressed, I rudely told her id figure something else out and hung up on her (sorry mastercard lady) and flew home very grumpily. I thought checking the messages would be wise and thankfully there was one message. It was from an employee from a store near my parents and they had found my wallet. PHEW!!!

Off I went to get my wallet and everything was in it. Nothing was missing at all. In all of this I was so thankful for Gods faithfulness (and it was a good thing I couldnt cancel my credit card). Initially I was handling it well, with God's strength. Then when I really wasnt finding it I began to lose my patience and started trying to take control of everything which wasnt good. Then God made it right anyways. I sang my heart out in the car on the way to get my wallet (Im glad no one could hear me since it was interesting. All my words put to some random music I was making up) and was then able to get the coffee and treats and continue with the move.

By 2:30 the apartment was empty and spotless and it was on to the next adventure: Van Dyks and van der Meers under one roof.

More on that another time. In the meantime if you are looking for me, Im with Jo and Aidan and can be reached there... just in case anyone is wondering :)


Grace said...

Wow Kate. You've been busy. Glad you found your wallet.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing how it all turns out, Kate. Glad you can be with Jo, and not alone. Thankful for sisters!


Anonymous said...

Have fun! AUntyB