Thursday, May 20, 2010

Best Buds

In a month our family will experience a very big change. No, nothing of our own doing but of our neighbours.

Our apartment is in a house. We live in the downstairs (one bedroom) and my brother in law and my best friend live upstairs. Since we have had children we have been living in the same house. Almost every day we see them at some point or another and we always hear them which to me has become a sound of comfort. Just knowing someone else is home.

In the morning Matthew will ask very excitedly:"Henny! Henny?" This is his request to go and see Henry. His cousin and best friend. Often, we visit outside or at one anothers apartment. The boys play happily most of the time and love to copy cat. Even if they dont end up enjoying it so much.

This coming month, they are leaving us to Carleton place. What a loss. At first I thought I would be able to handle it without any problem. Sure, it will be sad but they will only be 30 minutes away. Now it is starting to sink in. I have MAYBE 30 days left to take advantage of having my best friend in my house with me. And before that I had my other best friend and sister (my real sister) upstairs. Matthew will call for Henny and I wont be able to say "let me call and see". No longer will I look up at the window when Vanessa is asking me if I want to come up while we were playing outside. No longer will I simply be able to go upstairs in my pjs when Matty is having a cranky morning and get relief... I want to cry just now thinking about the loss we are about to have.
Its not often in our culture that we get to live communally like I have been so blessed to do with two sisters. Many people would actually dread the idea. I am mourning the loss already and I still have about a month to enjoy them. I guess we make the best of the situations we are given. I just know that for some strange reason I am not good at getting in my car and driving a long way to visit... I suppose I am too much a city girl and am accustomed to everything being so close.

Cory, Vanessa, Henry and Samuel: This little family down here will really miss you when you leave. And here we were thinking it would be us leaving first. Congrats on the new house.


Niki said...

Tears in my eyes, you guys have had such a great time together...

I think you'll be driving out pretty regularly Katie, esp. in the summer.

Anonymous said...

A loss, indeed, Kate...AuntyB

Vanessa said...

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiieeeee! You made me cry! The only sad thing about this move is having to leave you guys! Especially sad for Henry and Matty. We just have to make sure they still see eachother regularly. We will miss you so much.

As much as I am super excited about the move, part of me wishes it could all stay the same. I love that Cory and Dave can easily catch up with eachtoher. I love that you can I can be there in a moments notice with a tearful phonecall. I love that I can look at my window and see if you're home or not. What I love most is seeing Henry and his best friend play so happily (usually) and easily with eachother. Henry is just starting to share his trains, and Matty his balls -- they love eachother THAT much! And what abotu Sam and Levi -- they need a chance to become best friends, too! We just have to trust that the Lord will knit their hearts despite a little extra distance.

We will miss you sooooo much, also Dave, Kate, Matty and Levi. We love you so much!


Grace said...

That is hard! You are so used to them being next door...and a lot of motherhood is lonely so how lovely to have Vanessa right there. Hope you will be able to still visit a lot despite the distance!

Susanna Rose said...

I wish we could come and move in above you! I'm all about the communal living thing and I bet our kids woudl get along great! Alas!!!;)