Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Washroom

Take a look at this link.

Now try and make a picture of where you might find this. Are you ready.

You climb down a set of beautifully made stairs into a 90 year old basement. The walls are stone, the floor is dirt and gravel. It smells a little... musty all though you have been reasured that it is nice and dry down there.

You take a look around and nearly under the stairs you spot our "toilet"... thats right, the link. Next to it is a roll of toilet paper placed purposefully on an old wire spool and right near it is a metal shovel. You are currently in your "place of duty". If you look across the room you even see a friend, Mr. Mouse scurrying across the window. Lovely company while doing your deed.

You remember the instructions. First, take a scoop of the floor (the dirt) and put it in your "toilet", next do your business (the dirt will keep it from sticking- you have been told). Afterward, scoop some more dirt over your business and carry your toilet up the stairs, out the back door into the winter weather, walk to the property line and dump it out behind the trees.

Did you see it? Did you picture the "toilet" and the mouse and the dirt? You might not have felt the cold but it isnt terribly warm there either.

This is our current bathroom. Can you see why I only spend one night there a week???


Karin said...

oh katie! you are brave to spend even one night. I hope the real toilet arrives soon!

Grace said...

HAHA! Good thing you've always been pretty good about that kind of thing..i think I would hold it til I was somewhere with running water.

Heather said...

Love this! You could not have described it any better! And I agree with Karin, you're a real trooper!

Anonymous said...

I second Grace's comment - ha ha! AuntyB