Monday, January 16, 2012

Not Even at 5 AM

Some people have suggested that to be able to find time for quiet time they try to wake up before the sun. This way their children are sleeping and for an hour (maybe even two) they have the house to themselves and have ample time for meditation on God's word and time for prayer.

This isn't even a possibility for me. My children begin to wake up at 5 and seem to continue that trend until 6 when I just give up altogether. Play time begins at 6 AM.

I can't escape to my room for a moment, I cant pee in peace, I cant have a hot coffee before someone is crying and insisting I hold them on my lap.


To top it all off now, Ive come down with a cold on top of being itchy all over. Even the bottom of my feet are torturing me. I'm off to the allergist today and am praying he has an answer for me. At least after the appointment I can go ahead and take more Reactin and return to a relatively comfortable state of being. For now i'll sit down in the midst of chaos and try to enjoy a cup of coffee... I'm pretty sure I know how it will end though.


Faye @ said...

You're honestly Wonder Woman to me. I really admire you. Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

You have another rash, Kate? I'm so sorry! AuntyB

Grace said...

Oh Kate, I'm sorry you have a rash again! 5-6 am??? Ack! That is early for all of them to be up!