Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ode to Turning Two

Yesterday you turned two.

What a beautiful boy you are. You are always happy and mostly obedient and you seem to love life. I think of you as a baby and now as a two year old and I am amazed at how similar your temperment is in both stages. You happily take what you are given, you enjoy your surroundings and your temperment is one of contentment unless hungry.

Your favourite things in life at the moment are still balls. But we can now add cars and lego to that list as well. Marbels are a huge hit but I consider them balls.

You eat like a champ. I remember not so long ago having to take you to the doctors because you were not growing as quickly as the doctors wanted. You didnt eat much yet you never seemed unhappy. Now you eat whatever is presented to you and you are still small. It looks to me like you just play so hard the weight wont stay on.

You listen closely to me as we read and remember our catechism. Who made you? DOD! (God) what else did God make? efzing! (everything) why did He make everything? DORY! yes, for His glory.

You are a bright little boy, full of energy and craziness. Every room you leave, it appears a tornado has been there. Your little brother tries to follow you and enjoy your games but still isnt fast enough to keep up. Sometimes I like to peek in on you when you arent aware and I see you kiss your brother or stroke his back... You love him, even if somedays I cant get you to be kind to him at all.

You have begun to play with others. Its fun to watch you chase and be chased and giggle and copy all your little friends. You reason with Mommy and Daddy and you understand everything. You are stubborn in your own way. I see that your brother takes after you there too.

Two is an age that is a huge test for Mommy. You arent as obedient as you were and you love to test me and see just how much you can get away with. Thankfully, you are just so adorable that after a bad hour, there is such a refreshing hour that follows.

I love you so much. I praise God for you and thank Him for these two years. May He bless you with so many more years. Happy birthday baby.


Grace said...

Happy Birthday sweet Matty! kate, I'll never forget that how sweet he was when you sweet and happy. I cannot wait til we get to see him again.

Irene said...

What a beautiful tribute to Matty. : )

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Matty! AuntyB

Susanna Rose said...

I look forward to meeting this little guy of yours some day! How handsome he is and he sounds like he is just so darn cute!:)

Happy birthday Matty!:)