Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Late Night Project And A Dreary Day

Dave did several wonderful thing for me the other night. First, we went out together to take a look at strollers. His parents have offered to buy us a stroller so we wanted to make sure we chose the perfect one. Now, they bought BOB strollers for the other two children who had babies but I really wanted something that would still be good for when we have two children (Lord willing). So, Karin told me about a stroller called the Phil and Ted.

The great thing about this stroller is that it is a single stroller and it is great for jogging and the front wheel swivels... it's light, it folds nicely and it's thin. Once you have a second child, you can buy an attachment for a second child. Your newborn can go into the stroller without a carseat while your older child has three different places their seat can attach to the stroller. It looks like a fabulous stroller and we look forward to using it.

After that, we went to Dave's job to pick up his trailer and pick up all his tools. Once we finished that, we went and got a drink from Bridgehead. Dave got a coffee and I got one of their new ice drinks, a mochaccino crush. It's similar to a cappuccino ice from Tim Hortons but much better and made from real coffee. I really enjoyed it even though I normally HATE coffee.

We arrived home at around 9:15 pm and Dave helped me change our room around for the baby. We had the crib set up right in with because Dave wanted to keep one of his desks. While we were talking the night before, we decided that it would be good for the baby to be away from us so that if he sees us, he wont really wake up and fuss. So, Dave quickly took apart his drafting table and helped me move the crib around and make our new "baby room". Now, just moving the bed wasn't enough for me. I wanted to move everything around. Dave was heading out for a drink with his brother so while he was out I was using the energy given to me by the caffeine to move dressers and what not. It was a very heavy task but I felt it was very rewarding.

Once this was complete, it was around 11:30. I got into bed and didn't fall asleep until 2:30 am. It turns out moving all of that furniture didn't do the trick of using up all of the caffeine energy. I then woke up at around 4:30 to pee and slept through my 7:15 am alarm. I was awake for the day at 7:30. Needless to say, I was pooped.

I went with Dave for the morning to St. Laurent shopping center to wait for his truck to get fixed. While we were there I was in non stop pain in my stomach. It was like period cramps except they didn't stop. It was just a constant pain. I tried to ignore it until I spoke to Dave's mom who told me I should call the nurse and see what they said. The nurse told me to call Triage and they asked me to come in. So, after waiting from 10:00-2:45, we went to the hospital to find out if Matty and I were OK. We waited 30 minutes for a room, then we waited another 20 minutes for the nurse to come in the room. Then I was put on the monitor to see if I was having contractions and how Matthews heart rate was for another 20 minutes. When they came back in, it showed that I had had 2 contractions but very spread out and that Matty was very happy. The nurse was ready to let us go but the doctor had to see me first. We waited forever for the doctor, he finally came and told me that he thought it was odd to have constant pain and he would like to take a look inside to see if there were any cuts or anything. he didn't show up again for an hour. Meanwhile, I was still in pain but Matthew was just fine. When the clock said 6:15 we decided we were just going to leave. I got dressed and as we stood to leave the nurse came in and said the doctor was coming. He did come about 2 minutes later and we asked him if there really was anything to worry about since the baby was happy... 10 minutes later he let us leave. He just warned me to come back if I saw any blood.

So, on the day where I had very little sleep and had intended on baking and cleaning and napping, I was playing a waiting game with my husband from 10 am until 6:30 pm. We both felt like the day was pretty terrible but we were happy that we got to spend it together. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

I woke up this morning after not having woke up all night (sweet! I was obviously tired) and the pain is gone. I am thinking I did a little too much the other night and my body wasn't too impressed. Hopefully the next time it wont be a false alarm and we will have a real labour and a baby to follow.


Karin said...

Good Morning Kate,

so glad you had a good night sleep! and that you and Matty are both doing well. Jo had mentioned that you had gone to the hospital yesterday and so I was thinking about you and hoping that everything was ok.
Matty 'room' looks great!

see you tonight.
Love Karin.

Grace said...

Glad that you are feeling better!