Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Things In my Hospital Bag

I started packing for the hospital several weeks ago. They say you should be packed and ready to go by 37 weeks and so I was. I like to be prepared.

Here are the things in MY bag:

*hot water bottle (could be helpful with a sore back)
*slippers (for pacing up and down the hallways)
*a loose shirt to labour in
*a loose dress to labour in since I have no nightie or housecoat
*a loose pair of clothes to leave the hospital in (joggers...)
*bathing suit (I hope I can labour in a pool)
*nursing bra (x2)
*nursing pads
*sanitary pads
*headband and elastic
*cloth (for what they call the burning ring of fire)
*toothbrush and toothpaste
*body wash
*shampoo and conditioner
*camera/video recorder
*medical records
*MP3 player
*lip balm

I have also packed the diaper bag with some things for Matty.

*some wipes and diapers (I'm pretty sure the hospital provides this while I'm there though)
*2 sleepers (one specifically for coming home)
*Vaseline (for the baby's bum and the initial poos that are apparently horribly sticky and black)
*several receiving blanket
*breastfeeding canvas
*soother (although I hope not to use it)

And finally, I have a bag of snacks that is partially packed. It contains:

*Gatorade (apparently great for labouring with an epidural since you can't eat)
*trail mix
*granola bars
*banana muffins ( haven't yet been packed since they are in the freezer)

Can anyone think of anything else I should have? I'm sure I haven't thought of everything.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You sound well prepared! Can't imagine what you would be missing! (Except Dave, and I guess he can't be packed!) Auntie B

Johannah said...

I hope you get to use all of that stuff soon!

Grace said...

Wow Kate! I'm sure you're way more prepared then most women:)

Anonymous said...

Here is a site I found helpful, www.hospitalbag.org
But it sounds like you've thought of just about everything!

Susanna Rose said...

Sounds like you are VERY prepared...good job! I honestly don't think you're missing a single thing and are much more prepared then I ever have been!:)